Red alert 2 black screen with sound
Red alert 2 black screen with sound

red alert 2 black screen with sound

I advise installing the CnCNet online play installer for RA2/YR.Unpack in the game folder, run "patch_main.bat", let it finish, and then delete the files you extracted.) Nyerguds' main.mix cleanup for TFD/TUC (Not really needed, but cleans up about a gigabyte of unnecessary files in the RA1 folder.Funkyfr3sh's automatic Red Alert 1 patcher/installer (The thread also has briefing videos for the expansion missions, converted from the Playstation version of the game).HD music pack, with stereo music for the game.Note that this patch fixes two quite common and completely fatal game crashes ( top-of-map reconnaissance crash, stealth crash), so installing it is strongly advised. Nyerguds' C&C95 v1.06c revision 3 patch (which also adds bonus missions originally exclusive to the Playstation and Nintendo 64 versions of the game).lot of the games have been upgraded with community-created unofficial patches that fix a lot of their bugs and compatibility problems.

Red alert 2 black screen with sound