At this moment an invalid message is shown when a user creates an element code and he fills in Article Number and/or GTIN, assigns it to a symbol and afterwards double-clicks the symbol.

If a user has added a 3D family to a product code, an error occurs when saving the product code. When a 3D family is assigned to a product code and the product code is saved, an error occurs.When a user creates a Dyka Extract for Piping Components, the count is now correct. Correct count in Dyka extract for piping components.When a user double clicks on a family instance, an error is displayed that says it cannot read the electrical family because of an invalid boolean value. E Revit: Electrical family cannot be read when double clicking to open the properties in the Stabicad Property Inspector.With this patch you can use BIM 360 as it is the standard with Revit 2017.2 Because of this change the registration of Revit projects located on BIM 360 was not working anymore.

Update 5 Augustus 2017: the 11.03 patch has been extended with two Mechanical Diagram patches and now consists of four patches in total. If you are using Stabicad version 10.25 or 11.03, you can download these patches now. A number of patches are available that resolve issues in two versions of Stabicad.